Our clients commonly discuss core fears like these. If any of these sound painfully familiar, schedule a free consult to explore working together.
Our clients often worry that no matter how much they care for others, they won’t be fully accepted. They put in so much effort—showing up, helping out—but deep down, there’s this fear that maybe they’re not enough for the people they love. They do their best, but sometimes it feels like their best just won’t cut it.
The feeling of not being good enough is something that weighs heavily on clients. Whether it’s in their roles as a parent, partner, or professional, they constantly feel like they’re falling short, which impacts their confidence and self-esteem.
Clients frequently feel misunderstood, especially when trying to explain their stress, anxiety, or identity struggles. They’re tired of hearing things like ‘just think positive’ or ‘it’s not that bad.’ When others don’t really understand what they’re going through, it leaves them feeling even more isolated.
A common worry is the fear that people in their lives will leave, emotionally or physically. Even in close relationships, there’s this constant anxiety that they’re not enough to keep others around. They give a lot in their relationships but still wonder if they’re going to be abandoned.
Clients often describe feeling constantly on edge, like they’re always waiting for something to go wrong. Their minds race with a never-ending list of worries—whether it’s about work, relationships, or just getting through the day. It’s exhausting to feel like they can never fully relax or let their guard down.
Many clients feel like they’re overwhelming others with their needs or emotions. They wonder if they’re asking for too much and fear pushing people away. It’s a balancing act—trying to hold it together while also worrying that if they express too much, they’ll burden the people around them.
Many clients express feeling like they don’t fit in, no matter where they are. Whether it’s at work, in social circles, or even in their families, they feel like outsiders. They want to belong, but they’re always questioning if they’re doing something wrong or if something about them is just different.
Vulnerability is tough for a lot of clients. They’ve been hurt in the past, so opening up again feels like a risk. Even when they want to share what’s really going on inside, they worry that being vulnerable will just lead to more pain, so they hold back, afraid of being hurt or rejected.
For clients who’ve experienced trauma, there’s a constant fear that it will happen again. Even if they’ve made it through the worst of it, they can’t fully shake the feeling that something bad is always around the corner. It’s hard for them to relax because they’re always bracing for the next crisis.
Clients often worry that their struggles—whether mental health, trauma, or identity-related—will affect their careers. They fear that if they open up about what they’re going through, they’ll be judged or seen as less competent at work.
We Treat the Tough Stuff: Specialized Therapy for Complex Trauma, EMDR, and Life's Heaviest Challenges
Good counseling is not one-size-fits-all. We focus on complex trauma and how it shows up in ways that block you from living the life you want to live and having the relationships you want to have. Meet our Atlanta therapists to see if one seems to fit you and your needs.
Empower Counseling Center LLC
770.283.8386 | [email protected]
4411 Suwanee Dam Road, Suite 450
Suwanee, Georgia 30024
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We help people heal complex trauma using EMDR therapy; affirming to neurodivergent and LGBT+ identities; counseling offered both in person and online across Georgia.
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