
Black Teen Mental Health Challenges

black teens with mental health challenges face multiple barriers in getting help through therapy

Growing up, I quickly realized that being Black wasn’t just about the color of my skin. It was a fundamental part of my identity that shaped how I saw the world and how the world saw me. Unfortunately, the world wasn’t kind when delivering that realization. On top of that, when the world threw depression and anxiety into the mix,...[ read more ]

Healing Wounds: How Race-Related Bullying Impacts Black Teens and the Therapeutic Path to Recovery

In the United States and various parts of the world, race-related bullying has been an enduring and distressing issue. Black teenagers often find themselves confronted with the harsh realities of discrimination, prejudice, and systemic inequalities, which significantly impact their mental health and overall well-being. The persistent exposure to racial bias and hostility can lead to profound psychological and emotional distress,...[ read more ]

Navigating Identity: Therapy for Black LGBT+ Teens & Young Adults

black lgbt teens and young adults can benefit from therapy tailored to fit their unique intersectionality of strengths and challenges; empower counseling specializes in complex trauma and anxiety and offers EMDR therapy to help

In the interwoven web of diverse human identities, the experiences of Black LGBT+ teens and young adults stand at a unique intersection of race, sexuality, and gender identity/presentation. This intersectionality shapes their journey in profound and often challenging ways, molding identities in the face of societal norms, cultural expectations, and personal growth. For Black LGBTQ+ folks, the experience of being...[ read more ]

Why Black Teens Need Black Therapists

Therapy for black teens

I became a social worker for lots of reasons. Specifically, I wanted to be able to provide therapy for Black teens. Why? Because when I was a teen, Black figures I weren't related to meant a lot! They gave me guidance, support, hope, and a vision for the kind of successful, happy, healthy, and whole Black person -- Black woman...[ read more ]

10 Benefits of Therapy for Anxious Teens

Therapy for anxious teens can increase confidence

If you're considering therapy for your anxious teen, remember how hard it is to be a teenager. The teenage years are a time filled with many changes, where they're in the process of understanding themselves and their place in the world. Additionally, it's a journey filled with highs and lows, self-discovery, and personal growth. In a whirlwind of changes, challenges,...[ read more ]

Trade Holiday Stress for Joy (ditch anxiety and depression, too!)

ditch holiday stress and enjoy the holidays

Holiday stress can ruin your mood. This guide will help you fill your holidays with joy.  The holidays can be a wondrous time filled with spiritual meaning and reunions with loved ones. Despite the merriment, holidays can cause a great deal of tension. This year, trade holiday stress for holiday joy by using these simple tips. Let Go of Expectations...[ read more ]

Don’t Let Holiday Anger Get the Best of You With your Family

don't let holiday anger get the best of you

The build-up of stress and emotions can lead to holiday anger. Don't let it get the best of you with these tips.  For many of us, spending time with family can be a grab bag of emotions. While you may feel love and familiarity, there's also decades-long dynamics between you and your family members that may not be the most...[ read more ]

Laughter is the Best Medicine

laughter is the best medicine for anxiety and depression

We all know the old adage that “laughter is the best medicine” and, honestly, who doesn’t want to laugh like a child being tickled? We have all heard it at one point, or several points, in our lives. You may have questioned the accuracy of this statement in the past. Maybe it’s an answer you didn’t take time to seek out. Perhaps you...[ read more ]

An Attitude of Gratitude: How being thankful can reduce anxiety and depression

have an attitude of gratitude

Let’s give that attitude a little gratitude, shall we? Do you have a bad attitude clinging to you like glitter from a greeting card or your kid’s school project? Don’t worry. We’ve all fallen victim to the glitter tragedy at some point in our lives. But, unlike glitter, you can shake that bad attitude with a dash of gratitude -- an attitude...[ read more ]

Supporting teens through their unique struggles

teenagers at the computer

I’ve been asked, more than once, “How do you work with teens?!” I typically respond by saying, “With care.” I recognize that the underlying question here is more about the inquiring individual’s own misunderstandings associated with Millennials and Post-Millennials, also known as Generations Y and Z. I imagine there are many people who are often perplexed to learn that someone would take on such a challenge. I get it. Helping teens to process their personal thoughts and emotions while they are also struggling with other issues including hormonal changes, juggling academic pressures, and maintaining very demanding social...[ read more ]

4411 Suwanee Dam Road, Suite 450
Suwanee, GA 30024

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